picture courtesy:internet

You can’t understand my feelings
Whatever I say,
You would get me wrong!
It is not just you
But almost everyone around me,
It’s all just the same,
A world of irony and deception!
When I express my feelings,
You call me mad,
When I don’t, you
Call it sheer indifference!
When I complain about these both,
You label it as ‘extremities’!
As a child, I had
Always wanted to grow up,
Now, that I’m grown up,
I just want to be a child again,
What a world of irony is this!
The world around me
Wants me to be subtle and passive,
Close my eyes against
Almost everything and just move on!
But I want to tell everyone out there,
My blood is not cold,
My heart is not frozen
It throbs, it aches and
My blood pound fierce
And the tongues of the society say
You are that ‘perverse’ one!
I want to raise my voice, but
Oh Alas! I lost it somewhere,
In the middle of ‘growing up’
And that is how the world deceived me!
This world has looted me of
The cause of my existence,
My bunch of feelings and
Everything that I called my own,
And that, a sweet label of
‘sacrifice’ stamped upon it,
But why, I don’t know!
And when time passes by,
Somebody would place a rose on my grave
And would just say,
“Poor girl! She ‘sacrificed’ everything,
For the cause of nothing!”


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