Swatting a Fly!
Looking forward to an exceptionally hectic work
day when others would be happily enjoying the weekend can give you really crazy
ideas to get over it. This feeling made me think that I should probably try my
hand at absurdist poetry to get over the weekend blues. No logic, no reason,
just poetry. And here it is:

Really? Came the reply.
With my two fingers,
Right in the middle.
Liar, they called in disbelief!
I swatted
Their claims no good bargain!
They gaped in awe
At my enviable feat
For now, I proved invincible!
Their claims no good bargain!
They gaped in awe
At my enviable feat
For now, I proved invincible!
P.S. The poem is my take on how the desire to gain social
acceptance lies behind even the simplest things we do. Having swatted flies
perfectly between two fingers, the protagonist feels a sense of invincibility.
In retrospect, this is very much like the race that everyday life is. At a
later point of time, all this may prove really absurd just like the swatting of
a fly.
All credits for the idea behind this poem goes to my colleague and
friend Uday Singh Rana whose
post I chanced upon while browsing Facebook. Mind it, he managed to perfectly
swat not one but two flies between his fingers. He even has a photo to prove
the same. Kudos to you, Uday!
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